11 Apr Debate
The SDGs – A new wave of greenwashing?

| 20. Mar 2018
SP202, Solbjerg Plads 3
Start: 11/04/2018 12:00
End: 11/04/2018 13:30
International Debate CBS
What is the role of private companies in 2030 SDG agenda? Is it just greenwashing when companies initiate a corporate sustainability agenda?
The SDGs were adopted in 2015 by all 193 member states of the United Nations in succession of the Millennium Goals (MDG). The SDGs are more far-reaching than any other UN goals previously agreed upon. Compared to former UN action plans, the SDGs also undisputedly address the business world to take action towards a more sustainable world. The idea is that companies take the SDGs as a framework to shape, steer and communicate their business activities and strategies in order to benefit from the implementation of these goals.
As for the business world, questions arise: How do firms align sustainability and their business strategy to conduct successful business and contribute their fair share towards the SDGs? What are the actual incentives behind a movement from making environmental gestures to incorporation of sustainability goals into production processes? How does the UN ensure the continued commitment of firms here in Denmark and reduce incentives for green washing?
Program for the event:
12:00-12:15 Introduction to Students for the Global Goals
12:15-12:30 Introduction of the SDGs – Mogens Lykketoft
12:30-13:00 Debate – Susanne Stormer and Lars Koch joins the panel
13:00-13:05 Introduction of SDG accelerator – UNDP representative
13:05-13:30 Q&A
13:30 Networking session – Coffee/cake will be provided
Speaker profile:
– Mogens Lykketoft, former President of the UN General Assembly
– Lars Koch, Deputy Secretary General of Oxfam Ibis
– Susanne Stormer, Vice-President of Corporate Sustainability at Novo Nordisk
– Camilla Brückner, Director of the UNDP's Nordic Representation Office
– Gareth Garvey, CEO of British Chamber of Commerce in Denmark