Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Copenhagen Business School

30 Sep Debate

Protestantism and Capitalsim

Uncategorized |   18. Sep 2017



Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3 – lokale SP212
2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 30/09/2017 10:00
End: 30/09/2017 18:00


Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics

09:30-10:00: Breakfast and welcome. Lecturer at CBS Camilla Sløk welcomes you.

10:00-10:45: Presentation by Eberhard Harbsmeier, former lecturer and adjunct professor in practical theology. Topic: A historical perspective with focus on Luther in his time:Luther og reformationen – strømninger i tiden og teologien. (language: DK).

11:00-11:45: Presentation by Camilla Sløk, lecturer at Institute of Organisation at CBS. Topic: A societal and organizational perspective: Skyld og ansvar i en post-protestantisk ledelseskultur.(language: DK).

12:00-13:00: Lunch. A light meal will be served.

13:15-14:15: Presentation by keynote speaker Brian Brenberg, Associate Professor of Business and Economics, The Kings College, New York. Topic: A presentation on the consequences of the Christian faith in the entrepreneurial process: The advantages of Christian faith in the entrepreneurial process of experimentation, discovery, and failure. (language: US).

14:30-14:45: Coffee break. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be served.

15:00-15:45: Presentation by Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Professor at the Section for the Study of Religion, Department for Science of Culture, Faculty of Arts, University of Aarhus. Topic: A presentation on Luther and the consequences of the reformation for our present time in a Weberian perspective: Luther, the Reformation and the Current North-Western European Welfare States: Rethinking the Question of Continuity and Discontinuity. (language: US).

16:00-16:45: Presentation by Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen, ph.d. fellow at CBS Maritime. Topic: A presentation on the impact of Protestantism in entrepreneurship research: Google is in the Bible: How Protestantism Inspires Entrepreneurship Research. (language: US).

17:00-18:00: After the presentations, we will invite you to join us in CBS’ canteen, where you will have time to network and discuss the presentations with one another. Also, you have the chance to taste a genuine Luther beer. Dinner is self-payed.
