22 Oct Networking
Intro for UrbanTech Challenge, meet up with open public data specialists

| 10. Oct 2018
BLOXHUB, Bryghuspladsen 8 Entrance C, 3rd floor Copenhagen
Start: 22/10/2018 09:00
End: 22/10/2018 12:00
The Danish Business Authority and GREENTECH CHALLENGE
As a part of the UrbanTech Challenge is this the day we introduce the challenge and facilitate the meeting between open public data specialists and participants interested in the data.
The day will be split in two; first, the specialists are going to make short presentations to their dataset and the challenge is introduced by the danish business authority. Then we are facilitating a one-to-one meet up with specific data specialists. This meeting can give details of how to get the data or can help getting new ideas of how to use the data. This is going to be a very interesting day with a lot of interesting people.
Read more about UrbanTech Challenge here: https://challenges.dk/da/challenge/urbantech-challenge
and more about the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/urbantech-challenge-workshop-tickets-50475081327
or check out our facebook event, where you also can see our video: https://www.facebook.com/events/323187275151973/?active_tab=discussion