Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

09 Dec Workshop

GenderLAB: Dissemination Workshop

|   28. Oct 2019



Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 09/12/2019 09:00
End: 09/12/2019 12:00


KVINFO & Diversity and Difference Platform

KVINFO and the Diversity and Difference Platform at Copenhagen Business School CBS invite you to attend the Dissemination Workshop of the Co-creating Gender Equality Project.

The workshop presents our GenderLAB, which is an innovative and co-creative workshop format combining elements of Design Thinking with the most recent insights from research on unconscious bias and norm critique. It has been developed in cooperation with Hanken School of Economics and the GODESS Institute and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Dissemination Workshop explains and shares this workshop format, together with a comprehensive range of tools and materials. The GenderLAB format is useful wherever people work together, both in the private and public sectors. We envision it to be particularly useful for managers, educators and researchers. Furthermore, we will make all of our tools and materials available online, free of charge, for anyone interested in working with them.

8:30-9:00: Arrival at CBS
9:00-9:15: Prof. Sara Louise Muhr and Henriette Laursen, Director of KVINFO, on the overall project idea and outcomes
9:15-9:35: Profs. Sara Louise Muhr and Stina Teilmann-Lock on the overall GenderLAB methodology (Design Thinking and norm critique)
9:35-10:00: Presentation of the created materials
10:00-10:20: Coffee break
10:20-11:20: Exercises applying selected materials
11:20-12:00: Usage of created materials, questions and next steps

Copenhagen Business School
Room SPs05
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg
