Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

22 Mar Lecture

Diversity Day 2018

|   05. Dec 2017



Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 22/03/2017 10:00
End: 22/03/2017 18:30


Sean Rehn



More info

Diversity Day on 22 March 2018 is dedicated to the celebration of our diverse campus, students, and staff. To include the many and different experiences of being at CBS, this year’s focus is on intersectionality.

There is more to diversity than genders. It cannot be reduced to sexual orientations, nor to age, (dis)ability, culture, language, ethnicity, or any other identity category. The manifold ways in which these identities can intersect create specific experiences of (in)equality and need to be addressed accordingly if we are to understand the complexities of diversity issues.

CBS Diversity Day explores the complexities as well as the opportunities of diversity through a combination of keynote speeches, workshops, and an open-house format where you can meet and learn about how our partner organisations and companies approach

Diversity Day is the result of close collaboration between students and faculty as well as partner organisations and companies. If you want to know more about how to get involved simply send an email to Sean Rehn, Event Coordinator
The preliminary program for Diversity Day 2018 is as follows:

10.00-11.30: Keynote (including treasure hunt)
11.30-12.00: Break
12.00-12.45: Copenhagen Pride: On corporate sponsorships
12.45-13.15: Break
13.15-14.00: C:NTACT
14:00-14.30: Break
14:30-15.45: Intersectional Norm Critical Workshop
15:45-16.15: Break
16.15-17.00: Mino Danmark Case Competition
17.00-18.30: Reception/Mini Roskilde Festival
