27 Jun Networking
Cyber Security Seminar

| 07. Jun 2019
Porcelænshaven 22,
2000 Frederiksberg
Start: 27/06/2019 10:00
End: 27/06/2019 15:00
Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship
After successful seminars about IoT and AI, we're now focusing attention on yet another interesting technology, Cyber Security.
Cyber Security becomes increasingly important given the digitisation of many companies and government institutions including both manufacturing and service providers as well as the spread of off-the-shelf tools for “black hat hackers” and competition among nation states.
At this seminar, we will dive into how companies and governments handle Cyber Security. Expert speakers from industry, government, and consultants will let you in on how they apply Cyber Security in their practice. The programme will cover a basic introduction to what Cyber Security entails, how users and suppliers are working with Cyber Security, updates on regulation in Denmark and future perspectives on what we can foresee in the horizon of Cyber Security measures.
∙ 10.00 – 10.20: Arrival
∙ 10.20 – 10.30: Welcome: DGP
∙ 10.30: Danish Defence Intelligence Service, Thorsten Foldager, Head of Threat Assessment: "Threat Overview on Denmark – The big picture."
∙ 11.00: Danfoss, Morten Pors Simonsen, Head of IT Security: "Risk assessment in a global manufacturing company"
∙ 11.20: "Cybersecurity measures in an international company" TBA
∙ 11.40 – 12.10: LUNCH
∙ 12.10: Dubex, Jakob Herbst, CTO – Chief Technical Officer: "Testing your company’s vulnerabilities (penetration tests etc.)."
∙ 12.30: NNIT, Christian Dinesen, Security Architect: "Incident Response – Contain, Eradicate, Recover, Learn."
∙ 12.50: Nozomi Networks, Michael Weng, Technical Sales Engineer, Nordics Region: "Industrial Cyber Security."
∙ 13.10: NNIT, Helene Wulff Andersen, Principal Consultant: "Staff Awareness Training."
∙ 13.30: BREAK
∙ 13.40: Danish Standards Foundation, Anders Linde, Chief Consultant: "Cyber Security Standards in Denmark and pros & cons."
∙ 13.55: IT University, Alessandro Bruni, Assistant Professor: "Future Perspectives & Technologies AI for Cyber Security"
∙ 14.10: QA to Panel
∙ 14.30 – 15.00: MINGLING