26 Jan Workshop
CBS Wine | Riesling Tasting

| 16. Jan 2018
UrbanWineBox, Bohrsgade 5
1799 Copenhagen
Start: 26/01/2018 17:30
End: 26/01/2018 19:30
CBS Wine
We hope you've enjoyed the holidays and are ready for a new semester with many exciting wine tastings to come!
The first tasting we'll kick this semester off with is, Riesling!
The weather has been grey and cold for some time now, and what better way to remind ourselves of spring and sunshine with some fresh and tingling Riesling?
We've teamed up with Frederik Ørbeck from L'Esprit du Vin, one of the country's foremost experts on Riesling, to guide you through the 8 different wines you'll be tasting.
See you there!