08 Nov Workshop
A body and mind-centric approach to Wearable Personal Assistants

Event | 31. Oct 2017
Solbjerg Plads 3, SP114
2000 Frederiksberg
Start: 08/11/2017 18:00
End: 08/11/2017 20:00
CBS Women Techmakers Copenhagen
Tight integration between humans and computers has long been a vision in wearable computing. However, even recent wearable computers (e.g. Google Glass) are far away from such a tight integration with their users. In fact, while wearable computers in recent years have become smaller and closer to our bodies physically, to achieve a tighter man-computer symbiosis, we also need to tie the computer system closer to our minds. In this talk, I will discuss challenges of interaction with wearable computers and propose a conceptual model for integrating wearable systems into the human perception-cognition-action loop. I will also present my empirical study on design and evaluation of a Wearable Personal Assistant (WPA) for orthopedic surgeons on the Google Glass platform. Finally, I will show some examples of more futuristic interaction techniques that use involuntary eye movements as an implicit input to the WPA which opens new opportunities for unconscious interaction with WPAs and a tighter man-machine symbiosis.
Dr. Shahram Jalaliniya is a postdoctoral researcher at Computer Science and Media Technology Department of Malmö University, where he is a member of Internet of Things and People (IoTaP) research center. His research interests include interaction with wearable computers, eye-based interaction, multimodal interaction, pervasive computing, and Internet of Things. Dr. Jalaliniya has a PhD degree on
Human-Computer Interaction from IT University of Copenhagen, he also has two master degrees in information systems from Lund university and in software and technology from the IT University of Copenhagen. He has been working in IT industry as IT consultant and project manager about 10 years before pursuing his research in the area of wearable computing.