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Copenhagen Business School

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Copenhagen Business School

23 Jan Lecture

A Green and Sustainable Financial Sector – can one be setting a new perspective?

|   07. Jan 2020



Solbjerg Plads - SPs05 - Mærsk Aud Solbjerg Plads 3 2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 23/01/2020 16:00
End: 23/01/2020 19:00


Center for Corporate Governance, CBS



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Sustainability and green agendas have now become the new buzzwords in both political and financial circles. However, are these expectations really realistic and can the financial sector be spearheading a fundamental change in addressing these fundamental and global challenges?

The purpose of this conference “ A Green and Sustainable Financial Sector – can one be setting a new perspective?”, is really to understand how investors look beyond the hype and fundamentally assess what would be a realistic return expectation in this new market environment. Of equal importance, which will also be a focus area for this conference, is to get a better understanding of the actual risk profile when investing in this area.

Furthermore, should this strategy shift be taking place by using technology or reporting standards as catalysator for change or is it more a question of changing the fundamental values, risks profiles and performance targets ingrained in the current players?

16.00: Welcome and Introduction, Lars Ohnemus, Director Center for Corporate Governance 1
16.05: Sustainability dilemmas from a investor perspective, Christian Hyldahl, Managing Director BlackRock 1
16.25: Green Digital Finance, Cecilia Repinski, Executive Director, Stockholm Green Digital Finance
16.40: Kai Hockerts, Professor, Copenhagen Business School
16.55: Coffee Break
17.10: ESG: looking beyond the numbers, David Orr, Senior Portofolio Manager, SparInvest
17.25: Sustainability at the core of the financial institutions, Lars Pehrson, Managing Director, Merkur Cooperative Bank
17.40: Panel discussion with: Christian Hyldahl, Kai Hockerts, Lars Perhson, Cecilia Repinski, David Orr Moderator: Lars Ohnemus
18.15: Reception and Networking

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