Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Copenhagen Business School

13 Aug Party

CBS and Copenhagen Pride: Party time!

|   09. Aug 2019




Start: 13/08/2019 15:00
End: 17/08/2019 17:00


CBS Pride



More info

The full CBS programme is as follows:

Tuesday, 13 August, 15:00-15:45: CBS LGBTQIA+ Thesis Salon (Mamma’s, Rainbow Square 3-5, 1550 Copenhagen V)
This is a combined presentation and debate format where CBS students present projects/theses that contribute with insights into the topic of LGBTQIA+.

Wednesday, 14 August, 13:00-15:00: QueerLAB (CBS, SP113)
QueerLAB is a workshop format organised by CBS and KVINFO that combines design thinking and norm-critical methods with insights on gender, sexuality, diversity and equality. Join the lab and take part in creating new innovative solutions to complex societal and organisational problems.

Friday, 16 August, 17:00-17:45: Inclusive Intro Programmes at Universities (Hovedkassen, City Hall Square 1, 1599 Copenhagen)
The panel debate features both students and staff from the Danish universities, who will discuss how we can make the intro programmes as well as student life more inclusive.

Saturday, 17 august, 12:00-17:00: Copenhagen Pride Parade (Frederiksberg City Hall/Smallegade)

We welcome EVERYONE to join the parade. Our parade will feature a truck with a DJ, ‘box bikes’ with refreshments, a crowd of celebrators, and Mrs CBS in drag. If you show up in a white shirt, we will give you a nice rainbow tie or bow tie for free and if you’re more into ‘Casual Saturday’, we will provide you with a t-shirt with our lovely motto printed on the front. CBS Pride Reception (Hotel Square, City Hall Square 14, 1550 Copenhagen)

Hotel Square has cordially invited CBS staff and the CBS Pride organising committee for a small reception right after the parade.

Learn more about why CBS is involved in Copenhagen Pride in this video featuring Dean of Education Gregor Halff.
