Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

Mariana Santos Gomes

Student Writer


CBS students volunteer at GirlTalk: “It’s heavy stuff like love issues, suicidal thoughts and eating disorders”

Through the NGO GirlTalk, two CBS students counsel and support girls on topics that range from their first crush, eating disorders and suicidal thoughts. They ask fellow students who are struggling to lower their guard and quit the idea of the stereotype student who’s ‘CBS fabulous.’


CBS Pride is coming: “Can you name a non-hetero or a non-cisgender CEO other than Tim Cook?”

CBS Pride is getting ready for another season on August 17. “Students are here to do more than chase a business career,” explains David Brodecky, one of the organizers. This year, attendees can look forward to events such as Drag bingo, a special talk, QueerLab, a banner workshop and a dance. But to David Brodecky, the Pride is much more than one big party. It’s personal.
