Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Copenhagen Business School

18 Apr Debate

North Korea – Diplomacy in Crises

|   12. Apr 2018



Solbjerg Plads 3, SP201


Start: 18/04/2018 17:00
End: 18/04/2018 18:30


International Debate



More info

North Korea has faced sanctions by the international community, notably the UN Security Council, the United States, Japan and the EU, since the country’s first nuclear test in 2006. A decade later the country, under Kim Jong-un’s regime, is more than ever economically constrained by tightened sanctions resulting from its efforts to increase nuclear capacity.

The continuing proliferation of nuclear arms amidst tightening sanctions brings into question the efficacy of such sanctions, and whether or not alternative diplomatic routes are to be considered in resolving international conflicts.

ID CBS invites you to an exciting panel debate

We will try to answer one of the leading questions in international politics today: Is diplomacy effective in solving international crises?

The panel will consist of:

⋆ Martin Lidegaard
Member of Parliament for the Social Liberal Party and former Minister for Foreign Affairs

⋆ Jørn Boye Nielsen
Chairman of the Council for International Conflict Resolution in Denmark (RIKO) and member of the UN Association Board

⋆ Liselotte Odgaard
Expert in Asia-Pacific Security and International Relations

⋆ Frits Bredal Hansen
Journalist working as Head of Communications


Programme for the event:

17.00 Panel debate
18.00 Q&A session
18.15 Networking with beers and snacks


It is free to participate and you do not need to book tickets
The event will be held in English
