31 Jan Lecture
CHOOSING THE INNOVATION PORTFOLIO Exploring Portfolio Management in Practice

| 24. Jan 2018
Copenhagen Business School. Room TBA
Start: 31/01/2018 08:15
End: 31/01/2018 11:00
Competitiveness platform
Today, organizations are able to collect and analyze an abundant amount of data but they are still struggling with linking data to choices. At the same time, many studies on decision-making suggest that making choice is more complex and ambiguous than what is assumed by many. With this event, we want to present some of the most recent findings that propose new ways of comprehending decision-making in an organizational context of investing in the future.
Many decision-makers feel that the surrounding procedures and protocols demand a rational choice, but they also know that practice is different. With this seminar, we want to highlight the dilemma between the demand for rational choice and its limitations as well as explore the role of intuition, perception, appropriate behaviour, creativity, attention directing, and other elements – so ubiquitous in human activity and cognition.