Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

Andreas Hansen Boers

Student Reporter


He quit the corporate life to get his hands dirty in a startup

CBS student Kevin Hilaire quit his job in a large corporation so he could do stuff that would help him grow as a professional. “There are many risks associated with joining a startup as opposed to an established corporation. I had no idea if SPOT Solutions would still be in business six months after I joined,” he says. Now the startup has created an award in his name and CBS students can apply.


Destination: North Korea

Three globetrotters make up a new CBS-founded travel agency, Above Borders, offering destinations in North Korea. They want to show travelers new insights into the world’s most isolated countries. But why North Korea? Isn’t that dangerous? And which country is next on their list? Our student writer, Andreas Boers, sat down with Above Borders for a round of rapid-fire questioning.
