Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

05 Apr Activities

Doing Business In 2019

|   19. Nov 2018





Start: 05/04/2019 08:00
End: 20/11/2018 12:00


Djoef, Novozymes and Boston Consulting Group

Doing Business In (DBI) is Djoefs annual case competition and study trip, which is organized by Djoeff and 4 selected volunteers in close cooperation with Novozymes and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). As a DBI-participant you are handpicked to an array of unique experiences. With DBI you get a once-in-a-lifetime possibility to travel to a foreign country with representatives from Novozymes and BCG as well as 29 other top students from all over Denmark and from a wide range of disciplines.

With DBI you will, in groups of 5 across disciplines, solve a complex real-life case concerning a real challenge of Novozymes in Brazil and get an exclusive insight to how business is done through e.g. company visits and workshops.

The destination country is always a place where Novozymes and BCG do business, so you will have the opportunity to learn about the challenges and possibilities of doing business in foreign countries from professionals that have taken the step of living and working abroad themselves. Through the intensive 24-hour case solving you will obtain great knowledge on the current macroeconomic, economical and cultural trends in the destination country.

The trip takes place each year during Easter, and in 2019 the 5.-20. of April. Prior to departure a pre-seminar is held in Copenhagen 22.-23. of March 2019 and a post-seminar/finale takes place after the case competition, the 3. of May 2019 at Novozymes in Bagsværd. At the finale the winning team of the 24-hour case competition is found by presenting the results in front of a grand jury consisting of representatives from Djøf, Novozymes and BCG.
