Independent University Newspaper
Copenhagen Business School

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Independent University Newspaper

Copenhagen Business School

23 Nov Workshop

App Development from A to Z – from idea to success

Event |   06. Nov 2017



Copenhagen Business School, Kilen (room Ks48)
2000 Frederiksberg


Start: 23/11/2017 15:00
End: 23/11/2017 18:00





More info

With the beginning of autumn comes yet another MarketingLab workshop!
On the 23rd of November from 15h-18h in Kilen (room Ks48) we will welcome Christoffer Martini Tybjerg, CEO of Fifium, to teach you about the whole process of developing an app. That is, all the way from having an idea, up to its market research, sale, development and finally, market strategy.

Fifium is an app development company, whose aim is to develop amazing mobile apps and create beautiful experiences. Working closely with their clients, Fifium creates powerful mobile app development strategies to bring the app from idea to success.

Besides getting a closer look into Fifium and learning all that goes into the development of an app, in this workshop you can expect:
– group work to develop an idea for an app, suggest the needed market research + sale strategy and last but not least, pitch it
– networking session (after workshop)
– the opportunity to win 3 hours with Fifium and the CEO to pitch YOUR idea and strategy, potentially followed by a meeting with an investor!
